Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

The sun has many benefits for health, among others, to assist the formation of vitamin D needed by the bones. However, rays can also be harmful to the skin, can even cause skin cancer. Therefore we need to protect it. Actually, not all day sun rays damage the skin. Diwaspadai is a need to broadcast is in progress since tergarangnya at 09.00 - 15.00. For, the rays are ultraviolet (UV) source destroyer skin. That is not all UV.

Moreover, in essence, human skin is equipped with natural protection from the sun that is melanin pigment. Skin dark pigment in the matrix indicates the number of lots, as well as vice versa. Research proves that the more pigment, the less likely someone is exposed to skin cancer because the pigment functions as a prophylactic impact of UV rays that emanated sun.

According to the long gelombangnya, UV divided into three types, namely UVC (100 - 290 nanome-ter), UVB (290 - 320 nm) and UVA (320 - 400 nm). Untung UVC is almost entirely absorbed in the ozone layer over there, so no effect on the skin. However, UVC "artificial" can also be generated by a light beam that contains mercury (mercury), xenon, and the germicidal lamp (germicidal lamp penghalau).

UVB effect on the epidermis (epidermis), terluar layer of skin. When terpajan UVB, the skin produces melanin, oxygen masks and skin coloring. In other words, UVB to stimulate melanin production. Terpajan the longer the skin, the approaching brown color. The problem is, when the body no longer produces enough melanin to fend UVB rays are absorbed skin, sun burn there alias sun burnt.

Fortunately, not strong enough UVB penetrate window glass. So, although sitting near the house, a cafe, or a vehicle, we will remain safe. However, when outside the room, UVA can penetrate to the dermis (skin rind), a layer below the epidermis, the collagen supporting the skin elasticity, sweat gland, fat gland, root hair, tip-end of the high-strung nerves and blood vessel capillary located.

No wonder that UVA Exposure is considered most responsible for a variety of skin damage, such as penuaan, wrinkles, black stains, droppings skin, and damaged skin cells that can not be terbaharui of skin cancer. UV rays also have a bad eye, speed pengeruhan layer of the cornea known as disturbance we cataracts.

What should be done to avoid it? Humans have been aware of since first, the skin needs protected from the evil sun rays. That's why they seek shelter in caves, to finally build a house like that now shapes. Also create masks with the attached form in the body and clothing accessories, such as hats, umbrellas, and sun glasses antisinar.

In the modern era, tools protective skin is made more powerful. What, to keep up appearances, all parts of the body must be protected, including the face and the other is open. All the blessings that we so free to do various activities with practical comfortable and safe. While swimming, for example, part of the body that is not covered can be covered with clothing material antisinar sun can dilapiskan to the skin. People call this sun block or sun screen.

The use of sun screen or sun protector can help avoid dangerous before the light penetrate the skin. Many solar curtain products offered. There is a substantial cream, lotion, spray, or lip balm. There is also a vitamin dibubuhi, moisturizer aloe vera extract, green tea, and pewangi. There is also a 2 hinga contains SPF 60 SPF.

The use of sun screen should be adjusted to the type of skin and how active our activities in the sun. SPF (Sun Protection Factor), a sun screen, commonly used to indicate how long we can be exposed to sunlight so the skin without a burn. SPF numbers obtained from the experiment in the room with pemajanan file rays similar to UVB sun in humans. In the experiment, people were given some sun screen, the other does not. SPF number obtained by dividing the length rays that cause the redness (symptoms of sun burn) on the skin of the curtain be oiled with the solar rays menim long-bulkan redness on the skin that is not protected. SPF calculation is adjusted with minimal dose of the occurrence of redness or eritema (sun burn) on the skin.

Dermatologis agreed that the SPF 15 can protect the skin until about 94 to 95 percent of UVB rays. However, this applies to workers who kantoran not so long sun bathe. For field workers, or those who normally do outdoor sports, like swimming, you should use at least SPF 30 that is completely protected from sun exposure. The most important match is the use of sun screen with activities and materials that match the type of skin.

From the womb zatnya, sun screen often consist of sun block and sun screen. Sun block is physically reflect UV rays usually contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, and should be lubricated more thick.
Meanwhile, sun screen, or a chemical sun filter to absorb UV rays, so do not attack the skin cells alive; usually contain avobenzone and benzophenone which can repel the attack of UVA, and quite thin only be lubricated. Principle, good sun block or sun screen, remain the same as solar curtain repellent, both UVB and UVA.

Cream or spray?
Determine the type of skin sun screen options exist. For oily skin and tend to pustular, including skin in bloom, you should select the lotion or gel form and antijerawat.

For dry skin, especially over 40 years and often in the air-conditioned rooms, it is better to select the cream.

During exercise or outdoor activities, you should select the curtain sun lotion, gel, and spray. As for how to use sun screen spray that is used to inject with their hands, oleskan to new faces and other body parts. If disemprot directly to the section we heading, usually spread out and not be merged perfectly, in addition to the extravagant.
Spray form is also usually preferred because the fast men, and practical, far from the effect of grooming flirtatious.

We are also not uncommon to hear a special sun screen face, body, eyes, lips and all at once or to be the face and body. This difference is usually more to the materials and substances actively. Sunblind special solar bermolekul face generally softer, equipped moisturizer, vitamins and even powder layer, usually the shape of cream. While for the body, usually dibubuhi moisturizer and pewangi.

Be careful when equipped with curtain sun moisturizer, bleach, and vitamins. Substances active solar curtain kind of work more quickly to more quickly expired. Do not use more that has changed color, smell, and shape. But if simply changed form, such as a melt, can be stored in the refrigerator first, the new use.

Ideally, the way the sun screen with the correct use is half an hour at least before beraktivitas, such as swimming. Active material in the solar curtain is waterproof even need time to absorb in the skin. Generally, the new solar curtain is used exactly before roads to the beach or go to the swimming pool. Once up from the pond, diseka towel, sun screen definitely lost, even though the packaging states. Use sun screen should be repeated also. Wait half an hour while windy wind-chill, new nyebur again. Error in this cause the screen to work less effective sun so the skin can still burnt by the sun.

Many also fear the spread around the circumference, and secure. Of course, should be careful not to go through the eye. Diamkan first to dry. Avoid mengucek-ucek eyes because it can make solar curtain to enter the eye.

Wear sun screen does not mean you are safe from the bad influence of the sun. The solar curtain is not long survive in your skin. Once exposed to water, sand, or sweat it will fade from your skin. Not only that, the effectiveness of sun screen will also be weakened over time. If interested in using the sun protector, choose a sun screen according to your needs. (Fernando Gazali)


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